Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Organizational-system effectiveness

Organisational effectiveness is the central theme of organization theory. No management can think of a theory of organization that does not include the concept of effectiveness. Everyone-academicians and corporate people-unanimously agree to the significance of effectiveness in organization.
Organisational effectiveness represents a desirable attribute in organization.
Effectiveness could be defined as the degree to which organization realizes its goals.
Organisational effectiveness is the extent to which an organization, given certain resources and means ,achieves its objectives without placing undue strain on its members .
Effectiveness is the ability of an organization to mobilize its centres of power for action-producing and adaptation.
Effectiveness of an organization can be seen in terms of survival of the organization.
According to silver and Sherman, Organisational effectiveness is the extent to which defind and finite resources can achieve its growth and profit without destroying its internal resources. It is how a company meets its minimization of stoppage between the input of resources and the optimized output .He further supports his viewpoint by an analogy that, there are parts of a ship which taken by themselves sink . The engine would plunge into the bottom of the sea and so would the propeller . The steel of the hull would sink. But when the parts of the ship are put together, they float. Thus organizational effectiveness is getting it together , to keep the enterprise afloat and competitive.
According to Houck levis Organisational effectiveness is the tool to which a goal that has been set for an operating task is attained in terms of quality and completion.
Warren. G. Bennils opines Organisational effectiveness is the system’s capacity to survive, adapt, maintain and grow, regardless of the particular function it performs.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"According to Houck levis Organisational effectiveness is the tool to which a goal that has been set for an operating task is attained in terms of quality and completion." Impressive statement!That's how organizational effectiveness works. Thanks for sharing this.

Elise Wrence